Sunday, 20 September 2009

Breakfast of Champions

Pfft, off to Uni early and no food at home. Had to boil an egg and put it on the 1 inch thick bread!!! Why is bread so thick here? And when you buy a loaf it only has 6 slices of bread. I just don't get it?! Can some one please explain it to me?


  1. LMAO! Serious!? I'm fucked them son~ I only eat the 50 calorie slices >.>

  2. Du kunde ju stekt ägget, hade nog sett godare ut då!! Jag tror dom överkompenserar med bröd tjockleken ;P

  3. Föresten vad är tidskillnaden? Orkar inte kolla på nätet :P

  4. nästa gång ska jag steka ägget. haha overcompensatin for something you say - maybe so =P its 7 hours time difference atm. I am ahead of you.
